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    TVBS 30 結果共1,258筆

  • President Tsai commends Yuan Ye Award winners

    President Tsai Ing-wen met with representatives of the winners of the 2023 Yuan Ye Awards, emphasizing the government’s commitment to collaborating with local governments on vital construction projects. She also encouraged stronger collaboration between private enterprises and the government to drive Taiwan’s architectural progress. The winning projects were praised for showcasing Taiwan’s diverse and robust architectural design, positively impacting the country’s urban-rural scenery. The Yuan Ye Awards, with a nearly 30-year history, recognize Taiwan’s unique architectural products and landscape designs through a rigorous judging process, making it a prestigious honor sought after by county and city governments, as well as private enterprises.
    2024/02/05 15:56
  • Taipei taxi fares rise for Lunar New Year celebrations

    During the Lunar New Year holiday from Feb. 5 to Feb. 14, taxi fares in Taipei, New Taipei, and Keelung City will increase by an additional NT$30 per ride. Stickers with clear notices about the fare changes will be placed on the back of co-driver’s seats to inform passengers. Cab drivers are prohibited from refusing passengers or taking longer routes, and passengers have the right to inquire about the chosen route. The Taipei City Government Police Department has a hotline for reporting issues at (02) 2311-6409, or residents can dial 110. Other cities and counties, such as Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan, Nantou, Changhua, and Kaohsiung, will also adjust their taxi fares, with an extra NT$50 per ride. In Hsinchu and Miaoli, fares will increase by 30% based on the original pricing scheme.
    2024/02/05 11:27
  • 「新台灣人」阿提諾歸化卻無球可打 籃協:盼下週有好消息

    PLG新竹御頂攻城獅球團於30日宣佈與洋將阿提諾(William Artino)達成離隊協議,成為自由球員,預計於2月初返美。由於阿提諾和中華男籃合約已告一段落,會不會繼續為台灣效力?目前都還得等經紀人後續接觸才會明朗。不過近期流傳的亞洲盃男籃資格賽24人名單當中,阿提諾也入列,究竟會不會再度看到他披上國家隊戰袍?《TVBS新聞網》詢問中華民國籃球協會副秘書長張承中,張承中指出,「目前還在談續約中,希望下禮拜有個好消息」透露下週會正式公布24人名單。
    2024/02/02 10:27
  • Legislative Yuan elects new leadership amid high stakes

    The 11th term legislators in Taiwan reported for duty and will elect the new Speaker and Vice Speaker of the Legislative Yuan. Notable incumbents include Han Kuo-yu, Wang Shih-chien, and Huang Kuo-chang. The KMT has put forth Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang as candidates, while the DPP has nominated You Si-kun and Tsai Chi-chang. The TPP has unanimously elected Huang Shan-shan as its candidate. The KMT controls 54 seats, the DPP holds 51, and the TPP has eight. If no one secures a majority in the first round, a second round will be held. The speaker election will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., followed by the vice speaker election from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Results are expected by 5 p.m.
    2024/02/01 11:35
  • 謝淑薇奧運搭擋「這時間」會確定 網協:張開雙手歡迎她

    謝淑薇今年在澳網屢屢締造驚奇,先是拿下混雙冠軍,28日又攜手比利時老搭檔梅騰絲(Elise Mertens)拿下女雙冠軍,昨(30)天謝淑薇宣布,將會重新披上國家隊戰袍,代表中華台北出戰巴黎奧運,謝淑薇提到,「我將可以使用世界雙打排名前十奧運規則,任意挑選世界排名前三百的選手為巴黎奧運的雙打搭檔」,且表示「奧運我將會從台灣的單打好手裡,挑選適合的搭檔」。《TVBS新聞網》詢問中華民國網球協會關於巴黎奧運參賽資格,秘書長王凌華表示,參賽資格6月後待排名確定,將會徵詢她的意見,「網協絕對尊重她,也張開雙手歡迎她。」
    2024/01/31 15:16
  • Premier Chen visits Taipei markets ahead of Lunar New Year

    Premier Chen Chien-jen and Acting Minister of Agriculture Chen Junne-jih inspect the trade of fruit, vegetables, and fisheries products at the Taipei Fish Wholesale Market and the First Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market in Taipei. The Ministry of Agriculture is increasing the supply of these products before the Lunar New Year, with vegetable supply expected to increase by over 38% daily, fruit supply by more than 73% daily, and fish product supply by at least 30% daily.
    2024/01/30 16:39
  • TVBS《FOCUS世界新聞》x《報導者》聚焦台灣工具機流入俄羅斯

    2024/01/30 15:31
  • Taipei boosts pay for conservation workers after 30 years

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announces pay rise for Taipei Zoo conservation workers, with bonuses ranging from NT$3,000 to NT$5,000 based on animal risk levels. Chiang emphasizes the challenging conditions of the job and the need for intelligence and physical labor. The bonuses for high-risk duties have not been adjusted in over 30 years, potentially causing a brain drain. Chiang has been actively working to increase zookeeper wages and improve their conditions. He calls for attention to zookeeper welfare and animal protection issues and reveals plans for the Taipei Zoo’s 110th anniversary in 2024. This pay increase further showcases Taipei as a city that values its workers’ contributions to biodiversity.
    2024/01/30 15:09
  • 農曆春節將至 大陸官宣連休八日

    2024/01/30 14:43
  • 川普點名大陸 當選將加徵60%關稅

    2024/01/30 14:38
  • Keelung partners with UC Berkeley for remote courses

    Keelung City Mayor George Hsieh has announced a collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley to offer a remote course for high school students in Keelung. Out of 249 applicants, 30 students will be selected for the program, which will begin next month. This initiative is part of Hsieh’s plan to promote academic excellence locally and he aims to introduce more courses in 2024 to provide Keelung’s top high schoolers with high-quality international education. The selected students will participate in a course focused on the autonomous vehicle industry, learning programming in Python and various algorithms. Classes will be held twice weekly from February 24 to March 24 at the city hall briefing room. Upon completion, students will receive a certificate of completion from UC Berkeley. This collaboration aims to encourage local education and retain talented students in Keelung.
    2024/01/29 17:08
  • Taipei mayor vows to improve council ties after budget block

    Chiang Wan-an vows to enhance communication with the council after his budget proposals, including the "Taipei International Music Festival" and free 30-minute YouBike rides, were rejected. He hopes council members will understand the purpose of the budget plans and is open to making adjustments based on their views. Chiang remains committed to better communication, particularly regarding the music festival and YouBike service. He appreciates the recommendations made by councilors during the budget review process and assures that the city government will be open-minded and make appropriate adjustments.
    2024/01/29 14:08
  • Taiwan to enjoy spring-like warmth with rising temperatures

    Get the latest weather forecast for Taiwan from Meteorologist Wu Der-rong. Temperatures will rise throughout the week, reaching 30 degrees Celsius in the south. While the north will see highs of 25 degrees during the day, mornings and evenings will remain cooler. Expect temperatures of 12-22 degrees in the north, 12-25 degrees in central regions, and 13-27 degrees in the south. Starting Tuesday, wind direction will change, bringing stable sunny weather to the west and occasional showers to the east. A small northeast wind on Friday may cause localized rain and a slight drop in temperature in the north. Spring-like temperatures will return on the weekend, with sunny weather in the west and possible showers in the east. Stay tuned for updates on the next cold snap.
    2024/01/29 13:48
  • EVA Air pilot strike could affect 105K passengers

    The Minister of Transportation and Communications stated that a potential strike by EVA Air pilots during the Lunar New Year holiday could affect at least 15,000 people per day, with an estimated impact of at least 105,000 people over the seven-day holiday. Negotiations between the airline and its pilots are ongoing, but significant gaps remain, particularly regarding salary. Achieving consensus has proven difficult, as both sides have resolute attitudes. The Minister hopes for continued communication between workers and management to bridge the gap. During the Lunar New Year holiday, approximately 151,000 people are expected to enter and exit the country daily, with around 38,000 per day traveling on EVA Air. It is estimated that around 40% of EVA Air pilots have voted in favor of a strike. The pilot’s union has announced a possible strike warning zone from Feb. 7 to 18 and March 30 to April 7, with plans to initiate the strike if negotiations fail.
    2024/01/26 17:26
  • Travel agencies brace for impact of EVA Air pilot strike

    The Travel Quality Assurance Association warns that if EVA Air pilots go on strike during the Lunar New Year holidays, it would have a significant impact on travel agencies as all airlines have already filled their fleet. The strike is planned for the Lunar New Year period from Feb. 7-18 and the Tomb Sweeping Day holidays from March 30 to April 7. Travel agencies would face challenges in adjusting operations and relocating passengers if the strike occurs. Limited alternatives would be available for travel agencies during the Tomb Sweeping Day holidays, and managing already-sold bookings would require separate action. The exact date of the strike will only be informed 24 hours prior, although the pilots’ union has announced the duration. The association’s spokesman, Ringo Lee, suggests implementing a strike notice period similar to the Danish model, which allows for a month’s advance notice of strike action.
    2024/01/26 17:22
  • Taoyuan Pilots Union announces potential strike dates

    The Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP) has announced plans for two strikes, scheduled from February 7 to February 18 and March 30 to April 7. These strikes will affect travel during the Lunar New Year holidays and Tomb-Sweeping Day. The TUP has authorized pilots at EVA Air to strike due to unresolved disputes with the company. The strikes will proceed unless a negotiation agreement is reached. The union has emphasized its commitment to negotiations and is seeking a resolution. TUP will notify members 24 hours in advance of a strike through their official website. The union also plans to conduct strike drills to ensure a quick response from EVA Air division members. A negotiation meeting was initially planned for January 31, but the union will only attend if EVA Air provides clear counterproposals by January 30.
    2024/01/25 16:17
  • Taiwan’s flower market hit by cold weather

    Taipei’s flower market is experiencing a nearly 30% reduction in certain flowers due to the recent colder weather and damp conditions. The Chairman of Taipei Flowers Auction, Li Ming-tsung, predicts that flower prices will rise by an average of 5% this year, citing inflation as the main cause. For example, the cost of a bouquet of lilies, typically priced at NT$250, could increase to between NT$600 and NT$700 during the Lunar New Year, with prices peaking at up to NT$1,000. In preparation for the Lunar New Year, the Taipei Flower Market will extend its opening hours to 3 p.m. and remain open for a total of 108 hours, expecting to supply around 904,000 bouquets.
    2024/01/25 16:06
  • MND: Three PRC balloons spotted near Taiwan amid tensions

    Taipei (TVBS News) - The Ministry of National Defense (MND) reported that four People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) aircraft violated the median line of the Taiwan Strait or entered Taiwan’s southwest air defense identification zone (ADIZ) between Wednesday and Thursday morning. A total of 18 PLAAF aircraft and six PLAN vessels were detected around Taiwan during this period. The Republic of China Armed Forces responded by monitoring these violations with Combat Air Patrol (CAP) aircraft, navy vessels, and land-based missile systems. Additionally, the MND noted the presence of three Chinese balloons near Taiwan, floating at elevations between 13,000 and 24,000 feet. One balloon was located 72 nautical miles west of Keelung. The first balloon was detected at 5:57 a.m. on Wednesday, at a height of 24,000 feet, disappearing by 6:32 a.m. Another balloon was spotted at 3:11 p.m., at a height of 13,000 feet, disappearing by 3:57 p.m. The third balloon was seen at 3:30 p.m. at a height of 18,000 feet, disappearing by 4:14 p.m.
    2024/01/25 11:58
  • Taiwan High Speed Rail boosts services for Lunar New Year

    The Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (THSRC) will add eight more trains during the Lunar New Year transport season from Feb. 6 to 15. These additional services include five southbound and three northbound trains. Tickets for these services will be available starting midnight on Saturday, Jan. 27. During the passenger peak period, THSRC will also expand unreserved seating across eight carriages on trains running between Nangang and Taichung. THSRC will provide a total of 461 additional train services over the Lunar New Year period, with 246 southbound and 215 northbound trains. Passengers are advised to plan in advance by checking the corporation’s website for transport season sales information and avoiding peak times. Real-time updates on passenger numbers at different stations will be available on the THSRC website. Stations implementing crowd control for unreserved seating will display a yellow or red light, indicating expected queue times of over 30 minutes or over 60 minutes, respectively. Passengers can also receive crowd control information and manage their travel plans via the T-EX mobile ticketing app.
    2024/01/25 11:12
  • Taiwan’s cold snap leads to food delivery dilemmas

    Residents in Taiwan are facing difficulties in getting food delivery services due to persistently low temperatures. The Central Weather Administration issued a cold weather warning, with the lowest temperature dropping to eight degrees Celsius across the country. As a result, many people have chosen to stay indoors, leading to a surge in online complaints about limited delivery options and self-pickup only. Some speculate that couriers are avoiding orders due to the cold weather and low delivery fees, which are as low as NT$30-40 per delivery. This has prompted discussions about the need for higher wages and better working conditions for couriers.
    2024/01/24 15:54
  • Poll: majority of Taiwan supports coalition government

    A citizens’ preference poll conducted by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation (TPOF) revealed that 47.3% of respondents were generally pleased with the outcome of the elections, in which the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) candidate won the presidency but failed to secure a majority in the legislature. The poll results, announced by TPOF on Jan. 23, showed a mixed outlook, with 15.3% very pleased, 32% somewhat pleased, 23.4% slightly displeased, and 9.1% not pleased. Additionally, nearly 60% of respondents agreed with the idea of forming a coalition government in the absence of a single party gaining a majority. The survey, conducted from Jan. 15-17 by Focus Survey Research on behalf of TPOF, utilized a dual-frame random sampling design, targeting Taiwanese residents aged 20 and above through 70% landline and 30% mobile calls. The margin of error is 2.98 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
    2024/01/23 13:20
  • Taiwan’s youth mental health initiative reaches 17,000

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) has successfully implemented a mental health support program for young people, serving 17,000 individuals by the end of 2023. The program offers three free counseling sessions for individuals aged 15 to 30, with 33% of users assessed as high-risk and referred for medical treatment. The majority of users are between the ages of 24 and 30, comprising 66% of the total users. The program has received positive feedback, with a satisfaction rate of 96% and 95% of participants finding the counseling services beneficial. The initiative has utilized approximately 50% of its budget and will continue to provide counseling even after its completion. Currently, 406 partner institutions nationwide contribute mental health services to the program. MOHW aims to combat the stigma surrounding mental health counseling and encourages young people to actively seek help. The ministry plans to further accumulate psychological medical resources to serve the needs of young people. The program was launched on August 1, 2022, through collaboration between seven leading professional medical and psychological associations.
    2024/01/18 16:10
  • Community rallies to support comatose man’s medical bills

    A Singaporean man named Jake fell into a coma on his first day visiting Taiwan, prompting a fundraising campaign to cover his medical expenses. The campaign has raised 89,000 Singapore dollars (about NT$2.09 million) as of January 18. Jake was airlifted back to Singapore after a month-long hospital stay, but remains in a vegetative state. His hospital expenses and air ambulance charges have depleted his family’s savings, amounting to 66,166 Singapore dollars (approximately NT$1.55 million). Currently receiving treatment at Singapore General Hospital’s intensive care unit, Jake’s nightly charges are 426 Singapore dollars (roughly NT$10,000). Although he regained consciousness on December 30 and was transferred to a general ward, severe brain damage prevents him from communicating with his family. Despite this, Jake has made progress in physical rehabilitation, being able to sit up, stand with support, and actively learn to walk.
    2024/01/18 14:17
  • Lai Ching-te pledges NT$160M in election funds to charity

    DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te announced that the NT$160 million in election subsidies won by the party will be donated to charitable causes and used to care for founding members and further the education of young party workers. Lai expressed gratitude to the citizens for their support, noting that each vote contributed NT$30 to the subsidy. The subsidies will be distributed in three equal parts, with one part going back to the central party, another part assisting founding members and providing scholarships or grants for young DPP members, and the final part being donated to charitable causes, following the tradition of past legislators and representatives.
    2024/01/17 18:42
  • NCKU tops most favored university list by companies in 2024

    National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) has been named the top university in the ’Most Favored University Among Companies 2024’ survey by Cheers Magazine. The top ten universities include NCKU, National Taiwan University, National Tsing Hua University, National Chengchi University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, National Sun Yat-sen University, National Central University, National Taipei University of Technology, and Tamkang University. In terms of private universities, Tamkang University ranks first, followed by Fu Jen Catholic University, Chung Yuan Christian University, Feng Chia University, and Soochow University. The survey also revealed a significant increase in the number of professional and technical institutes among the top 30, surpassing general private universities. Minghsin University of Science and Technology and Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages experienced the largest climb in rankings, closely monitored by the semiconductor industry. Notably, National Chengchi University excelled in the high-tech services industry, while Soochow University stood out in the finance industry as the only private university in the top five. The survey, conducted by Commonwealth Magazine, gathered data from 2,000 major companies’ HR departments and received a response rate of 30.39%.
    2024/01/17 14:54
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